
How it works

A Trusted Tuition Partner

With more than a decade supporting schools across the UK, our school tuition programmes are built and delivered by tutors.

Razor-focused on quality assurance

All Tutors will have the following: –

Relevant qualifications and degree to provide tuition

Have school based/tuition experience and hold a valid DBS

How it works

As a trusted approved partner with the DFE, all schools are invited to meet us either online or in person to go through the needs of the schools/students.

A dedicated account manager will go through the process and costings with schools and suggest timetables.

Once tutors are confirmed, schools will meet the tutor/s PRIOR to the booking start to go through the gaps, and areas of focus for the tuition. Tuition can be tailored depending on the school’s methods of teaching for example: – if a school uses white rose method please inform us so we can do CPD courses to prepare tutors for the tuition in accordance.

Once all is confirmed the tuition can start. Regular review meeting and lessons will be recorded on our tuition platform.